Friday, March 16, 2012


          One day I was jogging my short route, feeling pretty good and knowing that I would be able to finish the route without walking.  As I was coming upon the intersection where I cross a busy street and then turn right to continue on to the end of my run I noticed an older man up ahead jogging at an awkward pace.  He was running on the same side of the street as I would be running once I turned.  He looked stiff and slow as he ran.  I wondered how I was going to pass him; should I go onto the street and pass him on his right, or should I pass him on the left and stay on the sidewalk?  I wanted to be encouraging as I passed, because I was always a little dismayed when someone passed me.  Should I say, "Hello" or "Good morning"?  Should I comment on the weather, or my run?  I thought about all of these things as I crossed and started down the street behind him.  As I ran, I watched ahead of me as he increased his distance, becoming smaller and smaller, until I couldn't see him past a curve in the road.