I save any coins I find along my route and when I've collected $3.85 I'm going to buy myself a latte from Starbuck's as a reward. I have a coffee mug in my dresser drawer where I've been collecting the coins since I came up with this idea about a year ago. As of today, I've accumulated 47 cents.
I try to catch up with anyone walking before they change course and leave my route. The other day I was almost to the corner which marks the end of my run, when I saw a man walking up ahead of me. He was walking briskly and I had to push myself to catch him. I was finally at his right shoulder getting ready to pass him when he turned his head to the right and spit.
I used to run early in the morning before work so that I could get it out of the way and feel good for the rest of the day. In the winter it's still dark outside but there's little traffic and I don't mind running in the rain or the cold. One morning I was jogging along and tripped over a bump in the road, fell on my face and ended up with two black eyes, a scraped forehead, a bruised lip, and general facial swelling.